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Holistic, Integrated Resources:

  • Mindfulness & Meditation Practices
  • Energy Psychology
  • Clinical Hypnosis
  • Breathwork and Relaxation Techniques
  • Grounding Exercises
  • Body Awareness
  • Using Sound in Healing
  • Sandtray Therapy
  • ART Acceleratetd Resolution Therapy
  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing)
  • On Vulnerability and Shame (the fear of disconnection - I'm not good enough vs courage, worthiness, whole heartedness & empathy):
    Brené Brown's TED TALK YouTube on Vulnerability -
    Brene Brown's TED TALK YouTubeon Listening to Shame -
    Brene Brown's TED TALK YouTubeon Why Your Critics Aren't The Ones That Count 

Blog Resources:

Book Resources: Individual and Couple

2023 Recommended Reading List for Issues related to Abandonment and Attachment

Classic texts
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van der kolk
Codependent No More by M. Beattie
Adult Child of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson
When Will I Be Good Enough by Dr Karyln McBride
Running on Empty by Janice Webb
It Didn't Start With You by Mark Wolyn
The Emotionally Absent Mother: How to Recognize and Heal the Invisibile Effects of Childhood Emotional Neglect by Jasmin Lee Cori 2017 
Building Self-Esteem for everyday
The Mindful Self-Compassion Book by Neff
How to Be An Adult by Ricco - excellent
Love Notes from Your Soul: Whispers, wisdom and loving nudges to help you connect with your inner voice by Carolin Rathburn
The Self-Esteem Habit for Teens: 50 Simple Ways to Build Your Confidence Every Day, 2018 by Lisa M. Schab, LCSW

Adult Children of Emotionally Immature ParentsHow to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved ParentsLindsay C. Gibson, PsyD, (Book - 2015)   This book includes a quiz, how to spot emotionally mature parents, and how to assess family dynamics and styles of emotionally immature parents. It also explains internal processing & how these communication style differences (internalizers & externalizers) affect relationships. Overall a very good and straight forward read!

How To Do The Work : Recognizing Your Patterns, Heal from your Past & Create Your Self Love of Your Life by Dr. Nicole LePera (2021). 

Moving On : Dump Your Relationship Baggage and Make Room for the Love of Your Life by Russell Friedman and John W. James (Aug 25 2006). Six Myths About Sadness: 1) Don't Feel Bad, 2) Replace the Loss, 3) Grieve Alone, 4) Time Heals All Wounds, 5) Be Strong, and 6) Keep Busy. These authors provide concrete tools to move forward after relationship loss.  

Healing WordsHealing Words explores science's bias with spiritual prayer and distance healing. It challenges ideas of how we define consciousness and connection through empirical review of existing research. It discusses a number of facets of the effectiveness of spiritual prayer and distance healing along with cautions for its use. It is undoubedly the most interesting book I've read in some time. 





Published in 1991, Allied in Healing: When the Person You Love Was Sexually Abused as a Child, by Laura Davis is a book for persons recovering from abuse and their partners. It outlines both partner stories and provide basic education on symptoms and the recovery process. This book is helpful in understanding difficulties related to boundaries, expressing needs, coping with flashbacks, lack of desired, differences in sexual needs, and frustrations. It offers assistance with crisis management, intimacy issues such as control, safety, trust, and fighting. It also offers suggestions for interactions with the survivor's family. Let me know whether you find this a helpful resource. 

The Self-esteem Trap

The Self-esteem TrapRaising Confident and Compassionate Kids in An Age of Self-importance, Young-Eisendrath, Polly, (Book - 2008 )  


The Gift of Dyslexia : Why Some of the Smartest People Can't Read-- and How They Can Learn by Davis, Ronald D (Book - 2010).